Daniel Eboli´s "Sapiens Ludens"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Artist: Thomas J Marchant

Title: Faith
Genre: Alternative

This one is definitely alternative.

Alternative to what?

The answer is: everything you heard before.

Thomas J. is a unique composer wich delivers deep unique songs with a particular sight of the wourld.

I have some problems when I heard his pieces for the first time. His pieces sounded to me distorded, cliped and with a lot of hiss.

I warn you, it is on purpose. You have to make a great effort in order to listen and understand Thomas J. pieces.

They are not simple pieces. In fact they are very hard to understand intherms of conception.

But achieve in what most try and fail.

He is leting his mind spek freely, you can feel that, and this is great.

This piece here begins with an acoustic guitar totaly distorted. Nop it is not pleasant. It is not suposed to be.

he voice enters singing:

"I lost may faith in humanity in the human race..."

It is only a 1minute and 20 seconds piece.

Obviously something hap´pend to Thomas and he was very angry. You can feel it in the way he plays the guitar.

It is a full of hate and passion song.

Unusual and alternative and real.

Like you never heard before.

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