Daniel Eboli´s "Sapiens Ludens"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Artist: Bright Midnight

Title: Good Night
Genre: Rock

When you know an artist you want to hear something familiar. You know what to expect.

This is the case for me here. I reviewed some songs of Bright Midnight and I am preety much familiar with his sonority/composing style.

Perhaps this song, when listened by a 100% fresh ear, could point to a different point of view. It could sound totaly unexpected and unusual to the first time listener and , perhaps, too weird.

I agree with myself, lol, but knowing the artist´s music for a while I think it is very easy listening.

It is different, yes, I can still hear the british vibe (the author is american), the long and dense reverbs, the vintage sounding instruments.

It is a modern vision of what was the psichodelic music of the 70´s, wich is coming back like a tractor nowadays.

I think this "remaking" feeling is great. Music nowadays is so poor.

Anyway, great music from a great and unique artist.

Difficult to hear at first but good.

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