Daniel Eboli´s "Sapiens Ludens"

Friday, November 20, 2009

Artist: neanderpaul

Title: Nothing but wrong
Genre: Rock

The first song I review from Mr. neaderpaul (great nickname by the way) was something very pop, easy to listen.

Neanderpaul appears to be very ecletic. This song here is a more agressive rock type.

It is a coolaboration between neaderpaul and Jimmy Danger. I assume that Mr. Danger is a guitar player.

Excellent riffs and a very good sounding tune makes this piece a "must have".

I like everything in this song.

Neanderpaul´s voice is amazing here, reminds me a bit of Ozzy in old Black Sabbath songs. The doubled voices are just perfect.

Also the solo is just great!.

An excellent rock song.

5 stars!

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